David Blair (better known simply as Blair) passed away on July 23, 2011, as reported in MetroTimes and Between The Lines. (For a full obituary see Remembering D. Blair.)
This is his personal blurb from his MySpace page:
I'm a black, queer writer and musician. I went to South Africa and on a a few tours including a six month independent tour of the U.S. I grew up in New Jersey. I live in Detroit. I'm interested in every kind of music. It just has to move me. Always been interested in doing a lot of different styles. I feel I'm ready to dive deeper. I've written a one man show called Burying the Evidence. You can check one of the blogs for a description of it. Come see it sometime. I'm working on a book. I've been published in Black Rennaissance Noire (NYU Press) by Quincy Troupe and some newspapers and journals over the last few months. My dad looked like Chuck Berry, played like Hank Williams. My mom cleaned white folk's houses. She raised five children. On her own. I inherited all sorts of ghosts from both of them. Sometimes I can fly.
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/blairmusic
IndieFeed: Performance: Blair - "Chrysler" (podcast)
Blair Singer/Poet from Alex Franck on Vimeo.
Blair - "Detroit" (performance at SH\aut\ Cabaret in Ann Arbor)
TEDxDetroit - D Blair - 10/21/09 - "Detroit (While I Was Away)"
Blair puts Emily Dickinson's "Farewell" to Music at Detroit's Institute of Arts from Erik Proulx on Vimeo.
Blair, you were not supposed to go away so soon. You will be enormously missed!